Converting Instagram saved_collections.json file to csv file and importing it to notion

instagram, programming, notion, database, csv, json, Instagram, saved_collections.json

Download Your Instagram Data from the Account Deletion Interface

💡 You will not be deleting your account, you will only proceed to the download my data section

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Then, extract the saved_collections.json file from the downloaded zip

  • This file keeps your saved collections contents along with your tags

  • We will continue our operations with this file

Converting saved_collections.json file to csv

  • Requires nodejs installation

  • Run the javascript code below in the directory of saved_collections.json

  • Or give the file path to the bottom line of the code

const { readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require("fs")

function jsonToCSV(json) {
	const csvRows = []

	for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(json)) {
		const tags = value.tags.join(",")
		const utcTime = value.time.toISOString()

	return csvRows.join("\\n")

function instagramCollectionToCSV(inputPath) {
	const content = JSON.parse(readFileSync(inputPath))

	const data = {}
	let tag = undefined
	content.saved_saved_collections.forEach(collection => {
		const url = collection.string_map_data.Name.href
		if (url === undefined) {
			const rawTag = collection.string_map_data.Name.value
			tag = Buffer.from(rawTag, "binary").toString("utf8")

		const name = url.split("/").slice(-2)[0]
		const time = new Date(collection.string_map_data["Added Time"].timestamp * 1000)
		const channel = collection.string_map_data.Name.value

		if (!data[url]) {
			data[url] = { channel, tags: [], time, name }
		if (tag && !data[url].tags.includes(tag)) {

	const csv = jsonToCSV(data)
	const outputPath = path.replace(".json", ".csv")
	writeFileSync(outputPath, csv)

const path = "./saved_collections.json"

Importing the csv file onto Notion

Use the `import - csv` interface

Formatting Notion data

Keep `channel` data as `select`

Store `Tags` part as `multi select`

- The `csv` file is prepared to be suitable for automatic formatting - As soon as you do `multi select`, your `tags` values will match

Last updated

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