yt-dlp <url> # Video'yu indirme
yt-dlp -F <url> # İndirlir formatları gösterir
yt-dlp -f <format> <url> # Verilen formatı indirme
yt-dlp --write-thumbnail --skip-download <url> # Thumbnail indirme
yt-dlp -a <file>
yt-dlp --get-filename -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s' BaW_jenozKc
yt-dlp test video ''_ä↭𝕐.mp4 # All kinds of weird characters
yt-dlp --get-filename -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s' BaW_jenozKc --restrict-filenames
yt-dlp_test_video_.mp4 # A simple file name
# Download YouTube playlist videos in separate directory indexed by video order in a playlist
yt-dlp -o '%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s'
# Download all playlists of YouTube channel/user keeping each playlist in separate directory:
yt-dlp -o '%(uploader)s/%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s'
# Download Udemy course keeping each chapter in separate directory under MyVideos directory in your home
yt-dlp -u user -p password -o '~/MyVideos/%(playlist)s/%(chapter_number)s - %(chapter)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s'
# Download entire series season keeping each series and each season in separate directory under C:/MyVideos
yt-dlp -o "C:/MyVideos/%(series)s/%(season_number)s - %(season)s/%(episode_number)s - %(episode)s.%(ext)s"
# Stream the video being downloaded to stdout
yt-dlp -o - BaW_jenozKc
🐍 Python Kodu ile Kullanma
pip install yt-dlp ile gerkeli paketi kurun
# import the library import yt_dlp# create yt-dlp optionsmp3_options ={'format':'bestaudio/best','postprocessors': [{'key':'FFmpegExtractAudio','preferredcodec':'mp3','preferredquality':'192',}],'outtmpl':'%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s',# 'playliststart': 1,# 'playlistend': 5,}best_options ={'format':'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]','outtmpl':'%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s',# 'playliststart': 1,# 'playlistend': 5,}# the youtube playlist urlurls = [] # <-------- Buraya linkleri "" arasında yazınwith yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(best_options)as ydl:
👨🏻💻 Youtube İndirici Web Sitesi Kodlama
Örnek amaçlı hazırladığım YoutubeDownloader projemi inceleyebilirsin
Direkt olarak indirmek yerine player'a yönlendirme sebebi tarayıcalardaki CORs güvenlik tedbiridir
🎙 Soz Sözlerim
Eskiden Youtube-dl üzerine sayfa hazırlamıştım lakin artık o yavaş çalışmaktadır, o sayfa verimsizdir
Bu bahsettiğim tool daha hızlı indirmektedir ve güncel durumdadır