FILE_PATH = "Buraya kendi yolunu yaz"
def invertHex(hexNumber):
# invert a hex number
inverse = hex(abs(int(hexNumber, 16) - 255))[2:]
# if the number is a single digit add a preceding zero
if len(inverse) == 1:
inverse = '0'+inverse
return inverse
def colorInvert(hexCode):
# define an empty string for our new colour code
inverse = ""
# if the code is RGB
if len(hexCode) == 6:
R = hexCode[:2]
G = hexCode[2:4]
B = hexCode[4:]
# if the code is ARGB
elif len(hexCode) == 8:
A = hexCode[:2]
R = hexCode[2:4]
G = hexCode[4:6]
B = hexCode[6:]
# don't invert the alpha channel
inverse = inverse + A
# do nothing if it is neither length
return hexCode
inverse = inverse + invertHex(R)
inverse = inverse + invertHex(G)
inverse = inverse + invertHex(B)
return inverse
def replaceHex(matchobj):
# exclude the preceding hash symbol of the matched object
hexCode =[1:]
# invert the colour code and return with the hash
return '#' + colorInvert(hexCode)
filestr = ""
with open(FILE_PATH, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
filestr =
invertedFile = re.sub('#([0-9a-fA-F]{6,8})', replaceHex, filestr)