💎Değişkenler | VS Code

VsCode üzerinde tanımlı olan değişkenler

💎 Predefined variables

The following predefined variables are supported:

  • ${workspaceFolder} - the path of the folder opened in VS Code

  • ${workspaceFolderBasename} - the name of the folder opened in VS Code without any slashes (/)

  • ${file} - the current opened file

  • ${relativeFile} - the current opened file relative to workspaceFolder

  • ${relativeFileDirname} - the current opened file's dirname relative to workspaceFolder

  • ${fileBasename} - the current opened file's basename

  • ${fileBasenameNoExtension} - the current opened file's basename with no file extension

  • ${fileDirname} - the current opened file's dirname

  • ${fileExtname} - the current opened file's extension

  • ${cwd} - the task runner's current working directory on startup

  • ${lineNumber} - the current selected line number in the active file

  • ${selectedText} - the current selected text in the active file

  • ${execPath} - the path to the running VS Code executable

  • ${defaultBuildTask} - the name of the default build task

⭐ Predefined variables examples

Supposing that you have the following requirements:

  1. A file located at /home/your-username/your-project/folder/file.ext opened in your editor;

  2. The directory /home/your-username/your-project opened as your root workspace.

So you will have the following values for each variable:

  • ${workspaceFolder} - /home/your-username/your-project

  • ${workspaceFolderBasename} - your-project

  • ${file} - /home/your-username/your-project/folder/file.ext

  • ${relativeFile} - folder/file.ext

  • ${relativeFileDirname} - folder

  • ${fileBasename} - file.ext

  • ${fileBasenameNoExtension} - file

  • ${fileDirname} - /home/your-username/your-project/folder

  • ${fileExtname} - .ext

  • ${lineNumber} - line number of the cursor

  • ${selectedText} - text selected in your code editor

  • ${execPath} - location of Code.exe

Tip: Use IntelliSense inside string values for tasks.json and launch.json to get a full list of predefined variables.

🔗 Faydalı Bağlantılar

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