📉Python ile grafik çizme ve çizgi kesişimlerini engelleme
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import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create an empty graph
G = nx.Graph()
# Core emotions
joy = "Sevinç"
trust = "Güven"
fear = "Korku"
surprise = "Şaşkınlık"
sadness = "Üzüntü"
disgust = "İğrenme"
anger = "Öfke"
anticipation = "Beklenti"
# Emotions that are generated from core emotions
optimism = "Optimizm" # joy + anticipation
guilt = "Suçluluk" # joy + fear
pleasure = "Haz" # joy + surprise
ailment = "Marazlık" # joy + disgust
arrogance = "Kibir" # joy + anger
love = "Aşk" # joy + trust
fussiness = "Telaşlılık" # anticipation + fear
cynicism = "Kinizm" # anticipation + disgust
irriability = "Sinirlilik" # anticipation + anger
jealousy = "Kıskançlık" # anticipation + sadness
hope = "Umut" # anticipation + trust
awe = "Haşmet" # fear + surprise
despair = "Umutsuzluk" # fear + sadness
shame = "Utanç" # fear + disgust
submission = "Teslimiyet" # fear + trust
disbelief = "İnanamama" # surprise + disgust
rage = "Hiddet" # surprise + anger
curiosity = "Merak" # surprise + trust
disapproval = "Onaylamama" # surprise + sadness
regret = "Pişmanlık" # sadness + disgust
humiliate = "Aşağılamak" # sadness + anger
sensibility = "İçlilik" # sadness + trust
dominance = "Baskınlık" # anger + trust
# Add the nodes 1, 2, and 3 to the graph
G.add_nodes_from([joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, anticipation])
# Add an edge labeled "three" connecting all three nodes
G.add_edge(joy, anticipation, label=optimism)
G.add_edge(joy, fear, label=guilt)
G.add_edge(joy, surprise, label=pleasure)
G.add_edge(joy, disgust, label=ailment)
G.add_edge(joy, anger, label=arrogance)
G.add_edge(joy, trust, label=love)
G.add_edge(anticipation, fear, label=fussiness)
G.add_edge(anticipation, anger, label=rage)
G.add_edge(anticipation, sadness, label=jealousy)
G.add_edge(anticipation, trust, label=hope)
G.add_edge(fear, surprise, label=awe)
G.add_edge(fear, sadness, label=despair)
G.add_edge(fear, disgust, label=shame)
G.add_edge(fear, trust, label=submission)
G.add_edge(surprise, disgust, label=disbelief)
G.add_edge(surprise, anger, label=rage)
G.add_edge(surprise, trust, label=curiosity)
G.add_edge(surprise, sadness, label=disapproval)
G.add_edge(sadness, disgust, label=regret)
G.add_edge(sadness, anger, label=humiliate)
G.add_edge(sadness, trust, label=sensibility)
G.add_edge(anger, trust, label=dominance)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 12))
# Draw the graph
pos = nx.circular_layout(G) # positions for all nodes
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_size=3000)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_size=11, font_family="sans-serif")
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=G.edges(), width=2, alpha=0.5, edge_color="b")
edge_labels=nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "label"),
# Display the graph